
Your cat’s arrival at Tahiti Cat Lodge.



On the arrival of your cat at Tahiti Cat Lodge, it is  of utmost importance to us that it feels relaxed from the very first moment.  Therefore, each room is systematically treated with Feliway before the arrival of each guest.

What is Feliway ?

It  reproduces the feline facial pheromone known for being reassuring and calming.  This scent makes the cat more secure in an unfamiliar environment.

Also, the cat is welcomed in its room with a portion of sweets for cats (such as Whiskas Catisfactions or Temptations) hidden in one of our feeding balls.  The apprehension the cat may feel while it is changing environments will be less traumatic through the love and taste for food and the fun it experiences to play with this ball.

A typical day for your cat at Tahti Cat Lodge

Every day, we will visit your cat several times for the meals, the renewal of its bowl of fresh water, the cleaning of  its litter tray and of its room and for its playtime. .  During these visits, the cat can leave its room and stretch its “legs”.

Playtime for the cat means unwinding, relaxation, being stroked and playing.

For safety reasons, we have chosen not to allow cats that are not from the same family, to come into physical contact with each other.  Therefore, playtime will be a private session for each cat, one room after another.

Our little playroom provides a “treadmill”  for our more energetic guests.

The day/night rhythm is respected.

The meals become playtime

The dry food will be distributed in normal bowls and in play-based bowls (this will keep the cat busy playing and stimulate its intelligence at the same time).  As such, each meal becomes a period of play. Should we feel that your cat is not enjoying the concept of these play-based bowls, we will serve its croquettes only in normal bowls.

Our Cats’ Team



Test and Validation Managers

We would like to introduce you to our partners, Reglisse and Joker, who have been helping us since the beginning of ourTahiti Cat Lodge Adventure.  They have been our guides in the choice of materials, sweets, , furniture in the rooms,  croquettes, other dry and wet food to be handed out to our guests, this through accepting or refusing our suggestions.  We have followed their feline wisdom without asking any questions.