The Artists’ Lodge

Our Artists Partners

“MIAUW – kattentrimmer”.

A proper grooming session for the coat of your feline ?   No problem  during its stay in our hotel.

We have met an extremely talented  cat groomer whose gentleness and love for cats is reflected in her professionalism, technique and thorough knowledge of  cat grooming.  Should you wish her to give your cat a grooming session at the end of its stay at our hotel, we will make an appointment with her, she will come to us with her pop-up grooming salon to look after your cat.

The tariff is 55 euros, to be settled before the beginning of your cat’s stay, through a separate bill sent to you by “MIAUW-kattentrimmer”.   This grooming session includes unknotting the hair and hair pile, a complete brushing of the coat, cutting of the claws, cleaning of ears and eyes (+10 euros in case of parasites and extreme hair felting).  If the cat is too aggressive or stressed during this session  (which is extremely rare), a basic tariff of 25 euros will be charged and the groomer will advise you as for the maintenance of the coat of our cat.  Should you need more information about our groomer, you can look her up on her website: as well as on her Facebook page and Instagram.
